I wanted to post a photo of what our refrigerator looked like on the last day of our food storage challenge. February 28, 2013
Here is what it looks like today stocked with food. March 1, 2012 Reese ate his whole lobster tonight. I wish I had gotten a picture of him and his big ole lobster.
Pagey has been asking about crepes with ice cream during this past month. Tonight I made them for her after dinner. I love this recipe for crepes. My friend Melissa gave it to me years ago. I make it with fresh eggs and milk or powder eggs and milk. It fantastic either way!
Our butter rationing worked. At the end of our challenge we had about three quarters of a cube left. I was worried about three weeks into our challenge that we would not have enough butter to make it through. So we started rationing our fresh butter. We need a cube of butter every two days.